Routing - Retrieve Default Config
Retrieve default fallback config
Use the API key created under your merchant account from the HyperSwitch dashboard. API key is used to authenticate API requests from your merchant server only. Don't expose this key on a website or embed it in a mobile application.
200 - application/json
RoutableConnectors are the subset of Connectors that are eligible for payments routing
Available options:
, phonypay
, fauxpay
, pretendpay
, stripe_test
, adyen_test
, checkout_test
, paypal_test
, aci
, adyen
, airwallex
, authorizedotnet
, bankofamerica
, billwerk
, bitpay
, bambora
, bamboraapac
, bluesnap
, boku
, braintree
, cashtocode
, checkout
, coinbase
, cryptopay
, cybersource
, datatrans
, deutschebank
, digitalvirgo
, dlocal
, ebanx
, elavon
, fiserv
, fiservemea
, fiuu
, forte
, globalpay
, globepay
, gocardless
, helcim
, iatapay
, inespay
, itaubank
, jpmorgan
, klarna
, mifinity
, mollie
, multisafepay
, nexinets
, nexixpay
, nmi
, noon
, novalnet
, nuvei
, opennode
, paybox
, payme
, payone
, paypal
, payu
, placetopay
, powertranz
, prophetpay
, rapyd
, razorpay
, riskified
, shift4
, signifyd
, square
, stax
, stripe
, trustpay
, tsys
, volt
, wellsfargo
, wise
, worldline
, worldpay
, xendit
, zen
, plaid
, zsl